Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Today I'd say I do (Wedding Day Story)

When I proposed in December 2010 (read my proposal here), I knew that wedding day (We-Day) would come soon.

Next year, why not?

But then, Prince William and Kate had their We-Day in 2011. So we thought that our wedding would have no chance to be the wedding of the year!

2012, why not?

But 2012 is a leap year. In the Philippines, there is a superstitious belief that any important event held this year is filled with omens. Not a good year for wedding, I suppose. And the next year is even more omenous with the number 13. I have not extended my imagination and thought on 2014 though. Too way too long to have her in my life, formally.

So 2012 remained the most viable option. We just had to leave the month that has the extra day, February.

Why not in January 2012? Talking about starting the year right. So it was January 2012.

January has 31 days. So many good days in January. But professional commitments made our options a little bit restricted. We were both occupied in the middle of the month. So we looked at the end of the month as a possible We-Day.

The last weekend was a strong choice. But there was yet another strong choice after that weekend. And so we decided to make our We-Day a gift to one important person in my life who celebrates her birthday on January 31. On that day, she would be 70 years old.

So it was January 31.

On the day, I kept telling myself, "This is it! This is it!" Convincing myself that the wait was over. It was time to let things be, to dwell in the moment, to breathe in the significance and magic of reality and exhale the illusions separating me from that reality.

I was unsteady, and yet her grip fixed me. She held my hand firmly to declare that we were into this together. That wiped off the beans of sweats rolling from my head, into my hand.

I was nervous, and yet her presence beside me was comforting. The reassuring look in her eyes, the constant smiles, those relieved me from the nerves that were uncontrollably killing me.

I knew she too was unsteady and nervous. Amidst those nerves, I tried to respond, grip by grip, look for look, smile upon smile; reassuring her that I would stand by you, here and now until tomorrow comes, grip by grip, look for look, smile upon smile.

"Yes, I do."

And so I got married, that day of January 31 in a leap year.

A big leap with her over omens, onto the promise of a wonderful life together.

(I would like to thank Liway and her crew for arranging things and making our wedding truly memorable and special. Contact the coolest crew here: http://carazuniga.multiply.com/notes).

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